rent a painting

Renting art for your business

Renting art for your business Rental payments for Paintings – even if they are not of a functional nature – can be recognized as operating expenses if they are used to equip premises used exclusively for business purposes!


Professional transport is possible and is offered regionally within austria. The renter covers the transport costs. If you are interested, we provide a cost estimation to your destination.


The rental price is calculated as a percentage of the value of the work of art. The percentages depends if the renter is a private person or a company and the rental period.


The renter is responsible for insuring the work of art. The renter can, for example: include the work of art in their business insurance. We are happy to help you with the insurance procedure.

Frequently asked questions

Every contract can be terminated with a notice period of 2 months. The rental price then only applies until the end of the remaining contract term.

In certain cases (e.g. for photos) the tenant must grant the artist access to the works. Of course, the artist must announce this sufficiently in advance so that a date that suits both parties can be found. However, the artist cannot use the tenant’s premises as a type of “show room” and constantly organize private tours for his collectors and art public, unless this is expressly permitted in the rental agreement. This is probably more suitable for companies than for private rental customers. In contrast to such a visitation arrangement, the artist could agree on a cheaper rental price.

Basically: no. Even if the work of art is physically within the renter’s disposal, all copyright and exploitation rights remain exclusively with the artist. i.e. Photos of the rented works may only be used after consultation and clarification with the artist.

The contract will be extended or a new rental agreement will be set up. The rental price is the same like in the contract before. For a change in the rental period we set up a new rental agreement.

Basically: The rental price represents compensation for the provision of the work, and is therefore by no means automatically to be understood as a down payment on the purchase price! However, it is certainly possible to offset at least part of the rental price already paid as repayment towards the purchase price, but never the entire rental price.